Addis Ababa City Administration Code Enforcement Authority
Addis Ababa City Administration Code Enforcement Authority
Discover moreAddis Ababa, which is the capital of our country, has a large population and is the first city in the country with a large population and the seat of many international diplomats and embassies. Curre... Read Moreicon
Major Zerihun Tefera , Head of Authority
The news about recent activities for needed peoples.
More NewsWe are providing these services
More ServicesTo make Addis Ababa City comfortable, attractive and peaceful for its residents by preventing, controlling and taking action against violations and related illegal activities through the inclusive participation of the community.
In 2022, the city of Addis Ababa saw a decrease in regulation as a convenience for its residents as well as a model for African cities.
1. Fight steadfastly for the rule of law,
2. Accountability,
3. Participatory
4. Put the public interest above oneself,
5. Servitude
6. Loyalty,
7. Standing up for a common cause
ፒያሳ በተለምዶ እሪ በከንቱ ተብሎ በሚጠራው አከባቢ EMA ታወር ከ7ኛ-13ኛ ወለል